MA SMP Speaker Request

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    Event Information

    Caller's Name

    Contact Person:

    Email of Contact Person :

    Phone Number of Contact Person :

    Organization Hosting Event

    Event Address
    Street Address

    Apt, Suite, Bldg. (optional)


    State / Province / Region


    Postal / Zip Code

    Who will be the audience?

    How many people are expected?

    How will you advertise the upcoming SMP Presentation?

    Do you need a blurb about the SMP Program?

    What is the name of agency's newsletter?

    Can we put this on the SMP Program website?

    For Office Use Only

    Please indicate number of SMP materials distributed.


    Health Journals

    Volunteer with MA SMP!

    We invite you to join a team of trained volunteers to counsel and mentor elder consumers to become actively engaged in their healthcare. Become a volunteer and make a significant contribution in ensuring access to quality care and helping a fellow citizen to navigate the complexities of the healthcare payment system. We encourage you to take a stance.

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