Tips to Prevent Healthcare Errors, Fraud and Abuse
Always keep a record of your healthcare encounters and compare them to your Medicare Summary Notices (MSNs), Explanation of Benefits (EOBs), and any billing statements you receive from healthcare providers. Record your doctor’s visits, prescriptions, and treatments in your healthcare journals, My Health Care Tracker, which can be obtained by calling the MA SMP Program at 800-892-0890 or clicking this link.
Only your health care provider, typically your primary care physician, can prescribe medications and special therapies, order durable medical equipment such as walkers and wheelchairs or refer you to specialists.
- Never share your medical or prescription records with anyone you do not know and trust.
- Never accept medical supplies or equipment from door-to-door representatives.
- Be suspicious! Free offers should never require you to provide your insurance information, including your Medicare and Medicaid numbers.
- Be sure to shred or otherwise destroy your Medicare or other healthcare-related papers and other important documents instead of just throwing them away. The scammer may go through your trash.
- Always read your MSNs, EOBs, and other healthcare billing statements.
- Don’t keep your mail in your unlocked mailbox. Beware! Your personal information can be stolen right from your mailbox.
Look for the following on your billing statements:
- Is this statement yours?
- What is the date of the charges?
- Were you charged for an item or service you did not receive?
- Were you billed more than once for the same service or item?
- Were these services or items ordered by your healthcare provider?
If you suspect any errors, fraud, or abuse related to your healthcare, call the MA SMP Program office at 800-892-0980. We are here to help you!